A Little Rain

Happy Valentine’s Day from the Mathiseverywhere blog!

Here’s another fun, little story for your enjoyment. My second entry for Ms. Susanna Hill’s Valentiny contest (Get it? A tiny Valentine’s story?😁)

The rules: create a Valentine’s story where someone feels guilty. It must be geared to kids 12 and under and be 214 words or less.

A Little Rain

Cloud looked down below. Kids bounced about in their heart-shaped costumes, laughing and playing.

Cloud smiled.

Drip, drop.

“I don’t want to rain on their parade,” Cloud thought.

So she squeezed—ERG! and squished—EEP! Then, KRR-ACK! Thunder and lighting.

The kids screamed and ran, huddling around their teacher.

“Oh no!Cloud thought. “I’ve got to get out of here!”

“Wind,” Cloud called out. “Please blow me away.”

Wind grinned and winked, “My favorite thing to do.”

He gathered up speed. He WHOOSHED! and he WHIRLED! Then WOOOO! he blew Cloud away.

The kids huddled closer to their teacher as the wind whipped at their clothes, their hair, their festive hats.

“Uhh ooh,” Wind howled as he started spinning out of control.

“It’s a whirlwind!” the kids screamed.

“Get inside!* their teacher yelled.

Cloud heard their cries and turned to see. “Oh my,” she thought. “This is all my fault.”

She zoomed back to where she began. She didn’t try to hold anything back or move out of the way.

It started to drizzle. The vortex disappeared.

The class stopped, looked up, and shouted “HOORAY!”

Sometimes it’s okay to have a little rain on your parade.

The end

As always, we think, where’s the math? Everywhere, of course!

The likelihood of rain on Valentine’s Day can be calculated by weather forecasters, the amount of Valentine’s Day parties in elementary schools in America can be counted, and of course, we can count the number of times we do something to help and it ends up going awry instead.

For more math:

Here’s a fun blog post about timing storms Thunderstorms! It’s just math…

And here’s some fun statistics for you really awesome math people: Rain Probability.

Finally, here’s the science I used to get the thunder and lightning in the story: The Science of Lightning

Also, if you haven’t popped by to enter ti win Vivian Kirkfield’s Four Otters Toboggan, coming out in April here’s the link: https://mathiseverywhere439319476.wordpress.com/2019/02/09/interview-and-picture-book-giveaway-with-vivian-kirkfield/

19 thoughts on “A Little Rain

  1. Kaitlyn,
    I like the fact that you have definitely thought outside of the box – and the vortex – to create your story. I love your play on words as well – where Cloud is actually going to rain on the kids’ parade. Well done and good luck in the contest!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Aw thank you so much for reading and appreciating! Means the world to me. As a math person, I never felt like I could think outside the box and EVERY one of Susanna Hill’s contests, I’ve proved otherwise😊 that’s winning right there


      1. But even as a math person you want to think about other ways to solve problems, so it is good to stretch your imagination!


  2. I enjoyed reading about the thoughts of the cloud. You have an amazing imagination and the way you see maths in everything! I say both your students and readers like me are the lucky ones.

    Liked by 1 person

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