Critiques with Kaitlyn

Explore the options below for getting feedback on your picture book or middle-grade manuscripts from agent Kaitlyn Sanchez who has sold over 35 books in her first four years of agenting.

Picture Book Manuscript or Dummy + Query Critique in a 20-minute Meeting


In this 20-minute video meeting, Kaitlyn will provide feedback on one of your picture book manuscripts (1200 words or less) and its corresponding query letter. We will discuss suggestions to get your story and query in top shape as well as talk about the marketability of the piece.

Middle Grade Ten Pages + Query Critique in a 20-minute Metting


In this 20-minute meeting, Kaitlyn will provide feedback on any ten pages of your middle-grade novel (double-spaced pages) and its corresponding query letter. We will discuss suggestions to get your story and query in top shape as well as talk about the marketability of the novel.

Compare Picture Book Manuscripts or Dummies + Critique One in a 30-minute meeting


In this 30-minute meeting, Kaitlyn will provide feedback on one of three picture book manuscripts and/or dummies. We will also discuss which story is the strongest in regards to uniqueness, marketability, writing style, plot, and more. Then we will discussion any suggestions to get your main story in top shape.

To book a critique, email to schedule a time.

If you have any other critique requests not listed above, please email and we can discuss what you’re looking for as well as pricing.


“Kaitlyn Sanchez was as bubbly and fun as in her interviews, webinars, and podcasts. I needed direction with my story and Kaitlyn gave me helpful guidance, and answered all my questions. I’d like to meet with her again for feedback on another story I’m working on. I feel she is steeped in knowledge of publishing and I’m confident her answers to my questions came from there. Nicest 15 minutes of conversation I’ve had about my work.” 

“Talking with Kaitlyn Sanchez was so delightful I forgot that the next day, I would have to drop being a summer writer and go back to being a high school English teacher. Kaitlyn was charming, warm, and encouraging. She had wonderful suggestions that helped me make my query stronger. Even though she doesn’t represent my genre, I wanted to hear her thoughts–because she is such a strong advocate of LGBTQ+ literature. She had wonderful suggestions that helped me make my query stronger, and I was impressed with how quickly she “got” what my book was about. I really appreciated her insights.”

“Kaitlyn was so kind and helpful during our session! I got a lot of great tips and a list of suggestions of writers whose books are similar to mine. I will definitely be checking those out! She also encouraged me to not feel I have to follow any picture book formula if I don’t want to and told me her opinion on the manuscript layout. Kaitlyn is such a great resource! I will probably be talking with her again in the future.”

“My consultation with Kaitlyn was wonderful! She gave me great line-by-line suggestions to improve my query letter and answered all my random questions. Our conversation was so helpful and left me feeling very encouraged and inspired.” 

“My consultation with Kaitlyn was so much more than I expected. She tightened up my query letter and provided invaluable suggestions to improve my manuscript. What an incredible session!!!”

“I thoroughly enjoyed my consultation with Kaitlyn. She had gone over my page in detail before the meeting and had quite helpful observations. We discussed several questions I had, and I appreciate her input. On top of it all, she was extremely kind and encouraging.”