Interview and GIVEAWAY with Rosie J. Pova about her newest picture book SUNDAY RAIN!

Hi Math is Everywhere Readers,

As we get closer to those rainy days of spring filled with fresh air and puddle-jumping (I’m not the only adult who still loves that right?) we get the chance to dive into a rainy day picture book with author Rosie J. Pova about her newest picture book Sunday Rain, which is beautifully illustrated by Amariah Rausher. We may also get to learn about some other fun things Rosie is doing for picture book writers so stay tuned!

Kaitlyn: Hi Rosie, thanks for stopping by the math is everywhere blog to chat!

Rosie: Hi Kaitlyn, thanks for inviting me! It’s a pleasure being your guest! 

Kaitlyn: Aw you’re so sweet, Rosie, the pleasure is all mine! What inspired this adventurous, friend-making story, Sunday Rain?

Rosie: The story was born through the 12×12 Challenge that I’ve been a member of for several years now. A few years ago, one of the monthly webinars that come with the membership included a submission opportunity to a small publishing house. I wanted to take advantage of this opportunity, but at the time, I didn’t have a story that matched their particular taste so I looked at their guidelines again and decided to write a new story based on their call for “a moment in time” stories. 

I remembered one of my own childhood experiences of me being soaking wet playing in the rain one hot summer afternoon and I drew my inspiration from that fun, carefree rain shower! 

I loved the story and sent it off to that publisher. Well, they passed on it, but another publisher I sent it to loved it and now it’s a book that I get to share with the world! I can’t wait!

Kaitlyn: That’s so amazing that you found the inspiration in one place AND you didn’t give up on it, but instead found it the right home! Can you share how Sunday Rain came to be published by Lantana Publishing?

Rosie:  As I mentioned above, after the publisher I originally wrote the story for passed on the manuscript, I decided to try a handful of other houses that I thought would be a good fit for the book, in hopes of finding the right  home for it. I believed the story was publishable and knew I had a chance with it. 

One of those publishers I tried was Lantana Publishing which I stumbled upon through my usual online research. They loved the story and my brilliant editor, Alice Curry, helped me make it so much better with just a few minor tweaks. I am so grateful to have found them and honored to have this book published by them!

Kaitlyn: Readers, I hope this inspires you to look for publishers in many places. For example, my friend Heather Ayris Burnell has a nice list. Rosie, you’ve also created some great resources for writers, can you share about them and how they began and how they’re going?

Rosie: Yes, happy to share — thanks for asking, Kaitlyn! 

I’ve expanded my blog to include the KidLit Oasis Chitchat series where I interview authors, illustrators, and editors. Many of those interviews come with giveaways, too — either of books or picture book critiques — but more importantly, they offer insight into my guests’ journeys to publication, special sneak peeks, tips on revisions as well as inspiration to fellow creatives. 

The blog is also a great place for teachers and librarians to visit for a chance to win a newly released book for their classroom or school library, to learn about new authors or catch up on the latest news about authors they already love. 

It’s a lot of fun for me to constantly broaden my connections with the kidlit community while helping authors and illustrators, and supporting them with the promotions of their work. I love doing that and it’s a win-win for everyone! 

In the case of the editors’ interviews, we get the scoop on their wishlist, how they handle submissions, what their marketing is, relationships with their authors and illustrators and much more, so be sure to subscribe to my email list and stay up-to-date when new posts come out.

The blog has been going great and growing! There are so many amazing interviews I have scheduled already for this year with more to come. I’d like to include agent interviews soon, too, so maybe you could open up that chapter on KidLit Oasis, Kaitlyn — you’re invited any time! 

I also plan to offer some big giveaways of my own, in celebration of my upcoming books, that you won’t want to miss. So sign up, stay tuned, and connect with me on social media. 

To mention another resource, I am also now offering online courses on picture book writing and mentorships through the Writing Workshops where I was hired as an instructor. You can check those out HERE.

And lastly, I work with private clients, offering picture book critiques. For more information about that, visit my webpage HERE.

Kaitlyn: So many wonderful resources, Rosie! And thank you so much for inviting me, you know I’m always in! Let me know when, and I’ll be there! Can you share some advice for up-and-coming writers?

Rosie: My advice would be something they’ve probably heard a million times already, but it’s so important ― read in your genre and read a lot! Then write, practice, experiment and revise without fear and as often as you can. Free yourself from judgment. Instead, learn how to be analytical. If you get stuck, seek help, invest in yourself, be open-minded and move forward. A lot of writers focus on the failures, but I’d suggest focusing on the progress. 

And finally, embrace the journey, trust in the process, and treat your craft with kindness, respect and joy!

Kaitlyn:  Yes, yes and YES! These are all so important! Can you share a bit about what you’re working on now?

Rosie: Yes, certainly. I have another picture book in the pipeline titled THE SCHOOL OF FAILURE: A STORY ABOUT SUCCESS that will be released in the fall in China and then in spring 2022 in the USA from Yeehoo Press. I’m very excited about it — it’s a humorous fractured fairytale that shows that the road to success is paved with imperfect actions and flops. I got to see character sketches from the very talented, award-winning illustrator, Monika Filipina, and her art for the book will be amazing! 

Here’s a sneak peek of some early character sketches that Monika created (the characters might change in the process since they are still in development, but it’s so exciting and interesting to see visuals of what your characters may look like!)

In addition, my agent and I are currently in different stages of submissions with a few stories and have planned out the year for more of my manuscripts to go out — I’ve got quite a few I’ve written over the years and I’m pretty prolific so hopefully we’ll find wonderful homes for several more books this year! 😉 

I plan on writing more nonfiction picture books and I also have a chapter book series in the works with two books written and two more outlined that I’d love to finish in the next few months.

Kaitlyn: Wow, I can’t wait to hear what’s next for you and to see the final version of THE SCHOOL OF FAILURE (such an important topic!). Finally, if you could spend a day with your favorite author or illustrator, would you sit by a fireside and chat or go out on an adventure together?

Rosie: Definitely sit by the fireside and chat!

Kaitlyn: That sounds lovely! Thanks so much again for joining us today, Rosie, and for all your great insight!

Rosie: Thank you so much for having me — I had a great time chatting with you, Kaitlyn! 

Book description and Purchase Links

Sunday Rain captures a moment of making new friends while playing in the rain. It’s a story about the power of imagination, the love of books and reading, and new friendships. 

Elliott has just moved into a new house. He spends his days with his fictional friends, immersed in a book. When an inviting Sunday rain gathers the local kids to play in the puddles, Elliott longs to join in, but he’s too shy to go outside. Soon, Elliott discovers that new friendships are like a new book―you just have to plunge into the adventure.

The story will resonate with any child who has ever found themselves in a situation of being “the new kid” and wanting to make friends.

Signed copies, order here:

Indie Bound:


Author Bio and Social Media Links

Rosie J. Pova is a multi-published, award-winning children’s author, poet, speaker, and writing coach on a mission to inspire children not only to read and write more, but to use their creativity, follow their passions, dream big and believe in themselves. She is also a Writing Instructor for the Dallas Independent School District through The Writer’s Garret, an instructor with Writing Workshops Dallas, teaching picture book courses to children’s writers, and the founder of two children’s writing contests ― KWEST and Haiku Hype ― as well as the organizer of The Write Universe Kidlit Writers Workshops in Dallas, TX. She also serves as a judge for Rate Your Story.

Rosie visits schools and shares her inspirational journey as an immigrant from Bulgaria and how she became a published author, encouraging kids to persist, push through obstacles, and hold a high vision of themselves.

She also speaks on many women’s topics and has appeared on radio and print media.

Her upcoming picture book, Sunday Rain, celebrates imagination, the love of books, and new friendships. You can pre-order a signed copy HERE. Her other upcoming picture book, The School of Failure: A Story About Success will be released in spring of 2022. Visit Rosie at

Social Media Links:


Twitter: @RosiePOV   []



Kaitlyn review of Sunday Rain

For a wonderful adventure through imagination and how it can bring people together, definitely get a hold of this beautiful picture book, Sunday Rain by Rosie J. Pova and illustrated by Amariah Rausher. The fun words and dreamy art work together to create a wonderful experience for kids and adults alike!


Do you want to win a copy of Sunday Rain and of these three swag packs? (US only please)

Here are all the ways to get into the giveaway (each one is an extra entry):

  1. Comment on this post
  2. Share in the comments below that you added Sunday Rain to your Goodreads “Want to Read” list and/or your Amazon Wishlist 
  3. Share in the comments that you ordered a copy of Sunday Rain
  4. Share in the comments that you did a purchase request for Sunday Rain at your library
  5. Quote retweet my tweet about this blog post on Twitter and tag three friends.

Thank you all fro reading and sharing and supporting wonderful creators!


Kaitlyn Lean Sanchez

PS. Watch Twitter for some cool announcements about the next Kidlit Dance Party, and about the 2021 Spring Fling Kidlit Contest( which will be at the very beginning of April this year!)

46 thoughts on “Interview and GIVEAWAY with Rosie J. Pova about her newest picture book SUNDAY RAIN!

  1. Great interview, Kaitlyn!

    Rosie is in my crit group and I am constantly amazed at how well she can write fun stories with heart. I admire her so much, especially considering the fact that English is not her native tongue. She has mastered the art of making every word count and those word choices are excellent. (I speak German as a second languge but cannot imagine writing in that language. So a tip of the hat to you, Rosie.)

    I am so happy for her and can’t wait to hold the book in my hands. I am also looking forward to the chapter books!!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. This looks adorable. Love the dragon fight (If I had a nickel for every time a dragon attacked my car during a storm…) I had a critique from Rosie Pova this year, and I can highly recommend her! Added Sunday Rain to my goodreads list:)


  3. I am excited to read this author’s books and added Sunday Rain to my Goodreads TBR. I also signed up for her newsletter as I try to improve my own writing skills.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Tomorrow will be a Rainy Sunday here in NorCal and I’m excited! Wish I had this book on my shelf. Asked the library to get it.
    Great interview!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Congratulations on your triumph. The book looks amazing and will be a great add to every child’s reading experience. Hopefully I will also have the chance to feature it on my online bookstore (still new, but a wonderful adventure)!!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Aw, thank you, Safa 🙂 And congrats on your online bookstore — how exciting! It would be awesome for Sunday Rain to be featured there! Best of luck to you!


  6. Very informative interview. I added Sunday Rain to my Amazon wishlist. My first graders would love it, looks like a wonderful book. Congrats 😊

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Thank you, Shauntrell 🙂 I’d be so happy to know your first graders got to read the book! Please get in touch if you’d like me to send bookmarks for your students.


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