Guide to the #FallWritingFrenzy Twitter Chat 2020

Hi Fall Writing Frenzy Friends,

First of all, thank you all so much for being a part of our 2nd year of the Fall Writing Frenzy!

If you were with us last year, I sure hope you had as much of a blast as I did than that you have just as much fun this year! For those of you who are new, welcome to a wonderful community of kind, generous, and talented writers! If you want to know how this fun event got started, check it out here!

Now for info about the upcoming #FallWritingFrenzy Twitter chat on Sept 16th, 2020 at 9 PM EST (6 PM PST)!

If you’ve participated in twitter chats before, it will be just like those, some fun cards with questions and awesome people (like you!) replying with comments and quote retweets and interacting using the hashtag #FallWritingFrenzy (make sure to include the #FallWritingFrenzy hashtag in all your tweets).

If you haven’t participated in Twitter chats before, I have a video and written instructions here that will hopefully help you out, but feel free to tweet @KaitlynLeann17 or @LydiaLukidis if you have more questions.

Please keep sharing about the Fall Writing Frenzy, getting to know each other, and supporting the amazing donors by reading and reviewing their books (or their clients’ books), following them on social media, checking out their websites, subscribing to their blogs, etc. (Lydia and I would love if you subscribe to our blogs and follow us too if you’re not already.)

All About Twitter Chats Video

All About Twitter Chats Written Instructions

There’s two main ways to participate in twitter chats, pick which works best for you or do a combo of both (which is my fave!)

Typical twitter party approach

Go to the search box at the top of Twitter and type in the hashtag to follow (ie #FallWritingFrenzy), click the tab that says “Latest” and refresh every now and now to see all the latest tweet for the party. Feel free to reply and always use the hashtag #FallWritingFrenzy so others can see it when they’re searching the hashtag.

Another approach

Focus on the host(s)’ page.

The host(s) will be tweeting a card that has a question, so if the typical hashtag search is a bit overwhelming (it definitely can be!) you can go to the host(s) account and watch for the tweet with a cool card and a question. When you click on it, you can see all the comment replies and you can reply yourself. Again make sure to use the hashtag #FallWritingFrenzy so others can see your tweets. (The only drawback for this way is some people don’t reply as a comment but quote retweet instead, and you’ll miss those tweets.) 

Either way, the beauty of twitter chats is connecting with a community, and you can always come back later and interact again by looking up the hashtag again in the search. So if you miss the live event or missed a super important part, feel free to respond to the tweet another day 🙂

I can’t wait to chat with each of you on Wednesday about the Fall Writing Frenzy!


Kaitlyn Leann Sanchez

PS If you haven’t entered to win in Tammi Sauer’s giveaway, Beth Anderson’s giveaway, AJ Irving’s giveaway, or Jess Stiles’ giveaway, make sure to check those out and happy writing for the Fall Writing Frenzy!

12 thoughts on “Guide to the #FallWritingFrenzy Twitter Chat 2020

    1. Aw thanks so much, my friend! I feel like many people don’t realize the second approach even exists. I’m so glad I’m not the only one that prefers that sometimes. I can be fast but sometimes I just can’t keep up 😂


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